Planets Houses Signs Aspects

Birth Chart - 10th House

  The 10th house is naturally connected with the sign of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn.

The beginning, or cusp, of the 10th house is called the Midheaven.

This is the degree of the ecliptic that was at the highest point in the sky at the time and place of birth.

The Midheaven and the 10th house therefore represents our ambitions, what we aim for and hope to achieve in the world.

In this house we attempt to bring the ideals and aspirations of the 9th to practical realisation. This results in a career or a particular position in the social order. The 10th is also connected with our relations with authority figures in general, and with the way we experienced our parents in particular.

The Other Houses

The Signs
aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

The Sun, Moon and Planets

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

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