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Birth Chart - Signs of the Zodiac - Leo


The Sun in the fixed fire sign of Leo in your chart indicates that your basic nature is proud and generous, with a love of the theatrical and dramatic gestures. You have an innate loyalty and warmth and are generous and affectionate to those you love. You have a need to express yourself creatively, and to be recognised for yourself. The fixed nature of Leo gives you the strength and determination to achieve your aims, once you have decided what they are.

Your will power is generally strong, and once you have set your mind on a course of action you can carry it out with great enthusiasm. You will need to beware of a tendency to become fixed and dogmatic in your opinions, and may be rather intolerant of other people's faults and shortcomings. This arises from your intolerance of your own faults and shortcomings. You may refuse to recognise them, or if you do, refuse to live with them. Expecting perfection of yourself leads you to expect perfection in others.


The Other Signs

  aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

The Sun, Moon and Planets

  Sun Moon Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Houses

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