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Birth Chart - Signs of the Zodiac - Aries




Aquarius is a fixed air sign. in astrology, air represents the activity of the mind, the realm of ideas and social interaction. The fixed nature of this sign lends these thoughts and ideas the power to form the basis of groups united through shared ideals and goals. Aquarius is the time of year before the spring, before the seed has begun to swell in the earth. At this time the whole of nature is oriented toward the future growth. The ideals of Aquarius are forward looking and revolutionary.

With the sun in Aquarius your basic tone is idealistic, forward looking and unconventional, but probably rather detached and impersonal. You are by nature either a rebel, or a humanitarian and a true reformer. You need to insure that your rebellious nature and insistence on holding unconventional views does not become fanaticism and a refusal to change your opinions. You can be either original or eccentric, probably a mixture of both.


The Other Signs

  aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

The Sun, Moon and Planets

  Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Houses

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