Planets Houses Signs Aspects  

Birth Chart - 4th House

The 4th house is naturally associated with the sign of Cancer and its ruling planet, the Moon.

In the 3rd house we are concerned with communicating with our immediate environment, this leads, in the 4th, to the need to establish a private domain to which we can retreat from the world.

The 4th house represents our roots, both psychological and material. In the psychological sense it is our early family and cultural conditioning, which gives us a sense of belonging, and produces deep inner feelings and habit patterns.

The 4th house together with the opposite house, the 10th, is connected with our experience of our parents. In the material sense it is our own home, from which we go out to meet the world and to which we can retreat to rest and recuperate.

As well as representing our early home environment, this house is also connected with the conditions surrounding us during the second half of life.

The Other Houses

The Signs

aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

The Planets

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

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