Planets Houses Signs Aspects  

Birth Chart - The Planets

The basic philosophy behind Astrology is the idea that we live in a holistic universe, that there is a deep interrelationship between the whole and its parts, and that anything, be it an event, a group, or an individual that is born at a particular point in time and space in a sense embodies the whole universe focused at that point.

Obviously it is impossible to determine the state of the whole universe from a particular point in time and space, so in Astrology we take the Solar system as the greater whole and regard the patterns formed by the Sun, Moon and planets as seen from a particular time and place on earth as a reflection of the forces acting at that time and place.

In natal astrology, astrology applied to individual human beings, the Sun, Moon and planets symbolise basic human needs, desires or urges which we all possess. It is the ever changing interrelationship between these basic functions or archetypes, and their relationship to the horizon at the time of birth, that are used to symbolise the personality structure of a human being.

The Sun, Moon and Planets

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Houses

The Signs

aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquariuspisces

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