Planets Houses Signs Aspects  

Birth Chart - The Planet Neptune

After Uranus comes Neptune, the god of the sea. Whereas Uranus is the urge for individual freedom and independence, Neptune is the urge to escape from our normal sense-bound state of consciousness, and experience our unity with a different level of reality.

In the birth chart, Neptune represents our higher ideals and our attunement to realities that lie beyond that perceived by the senses. It is the realm of dreams and imagination and our sense of being part of a whole which is greater than ourselves, the awareness of a spiritual dimension to existence. Neptune represents the urge to transcend our normal state of consciousness through meditation and mystical experience, music, dreams and flights of the imagination, or through drugs (including alcohol) which afford us a temporary escape from the mundane grind of living. Neptune can be expressed as high ideals, altruism and spiritual values, or as self destructive escapism and evasion of responsibilities. For most of us it is a mixture of both.

The Sun, Moon and Planets

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Houses

The Signs

aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

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